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News and Events

ACI Spring 2010 Convention
March 21 - 25, 2010
Marriott Rivercenter Hotel & Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center -- San Antonio, TX

NRMCA Sustainable Conference
April 12 - 15, 2010
Tempe, AZ

International Parking Institute Conference & Expo
May 10 - 12, 2010
Mandolay Bay - Las Vegas, NV

International Bridge
Conference 2010

June 6 - 9, 2010
David L. Lawrence Convention Center - Pittsburgh, PA

ACI Fall 2010 Convention
October 24 - 28, 2010
The Westin Convention Center -- Pittsburgh, PA


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The one-pass technique simply means that all of the steps in finishing are completed in sequence without any waiting for the concrete to reach enough strength to support the weight of finishers. This means that the traditional waiting period of several hours between initial screeding and bull floating and applying the final surface texture is eliminated. As soon as the concrete is placed, it is screeded, bull floated, textured, and then protected until curing begins (curing is discussed later in detail.) When done properly, this process saves time and cost because the finishing crew does not have to wait on the concrete to set to apply the final finish.

Protect refers to the continuing requirement during placing and finishing to protect the silica-fume concrete from drying and plastic shrinkage cracking (also discussed later in detail.)